Advanced SugarCRM Reporting with Informer

Traditionally, BI (Business Intelligence) tools are software applications designed and used to collect, analyze and report on data. As your business progresses, you need to be able to make decisions quickly without much fuss. No one has time to read through volumes of printed reports (nor does anyone want to). When you combine a BI tool with your CRM, you eliminate the hassle.

Epicom recently partnered with Entrinsik, Inc., a software provider whose Informer web reporting tool provides advanced data analysis, reporting, and interactive dashboards. When integrated with SugarCRM, users can easily visualize key metrics, patterns, and trends in sales, marketing, and support from multiple data sources.

So what does a BI tool really do for Sugar users? Let me break it down.

With Informer integration, Sugar users can:

  • Access data from multiple sources including SugarCRM, data warehouses, Google Docs, Excel spreadsheets etc.
  • Incorporate run-time variables allowing users to specify filter parameters and underlying Key Performance Indicators (KPI) on the fly
  • Easily construct ad-hoc reports with that contain rich content and integration with Sugar
  • Connect Informer reports to SugarCRM to access lead, account, and task details

The integration with Informer gives Sugar users instant visibility into their company performance and customer behavior.


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