XLr8Resizer and XLr8Editor changes for release 3.5.24

More like web products like Chrome and Firefox, we try to put out releases as we fix the bugs or add enhancements. However, we are so busy sometimes that we forget to announce our changes. Here are all of changes:

v3.5.24 - January 30, 2013

Fixed problem with Unidata resize if using custom formula with no default block size.

Fixed problem with Universe resizing reducing the separation to the default value.

Bugzilla [Bug 396] - XLr8Editor has an internal error occurred during close "CCJob for Move_AbsentReportSub.xbas".

v3.5.23 - January 16, 2013

Updated UOJ to current release

v3.5.22 - January 15, 2013

Changed check for system wide locking to be before write.

v3.5.21 - January 10, 2013

XLr8Developer fixed a problem with check box not having the correct events.

v3.5.20 - January 9, 2013

Bugzilla [Bug 396] - XLr8Editor Code Completion update part two is done.


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