Florida 2012 - 2nd to 5th April, 2012

Event Schedule:

A Tradition at International Spectrum - An Informal welcome reception right on the exhibition floor - minutes after the exhibitors have completed setup - to welcome everyone to the show and give a sneak preview of what's to come in the next few days. A greate way for you to informally make the connections with the people you'll want to see later.

Bring your laptop, tablet and/or cell phone, and sit down with experts in Mobile Application design to create your "Proof of Concept" application to talk home with you.

This lab will provide MultiValue developers the ability to write and test Tablet/Cell Web and Native applications. This is the best place to apply the knowledge you learned in previous sessions.

Bring your laptop, with or without Visual Studio installed. We will help you get it installed, and building a "Proof of Concept" .NET appliation for you take home with you to your Boss.

Talk with speakers and experts that have solved all the problems you are likely to run into while developing a .NET applicaiton.

Bring your laptop, tablet and/or cell phone, and sit down with experts in Mobile Application design to create your "Proof of Concept" application to talk home with you.

This lab will provide MultiValue developers the ability to write and test Tablet/Cell Web and Native applications. This is the best place to apply the knowledge you learned in previous sessions.

Bring your laptop, with or without Visual Studio installed. We will help you get it installed, and building a "Proof of Concept" .NET appliation for you take home with you to your Boss.

Talk with speakers and experts that have solved all the problems you are likely to run into while developing a .NET applicaiton.

Unwind after a busy week of informative sessions with our Closing Party.

The Closing Conference party is a tradition at International Spectrum. It gives attendees a last chance to talk with each other and with vendors, before heading back to work to apply the information gain at the week of sessions.

Enjoy the food and drinks, and party the night away.

You just spend a bunch of time work attending sessions, now is the time to apply it. We know that you don't always have time to implement or test something out once the conference is over. This time slot was set aside just for you to do that.

Some of our speakers and MultiValue experts will be available to help you work through your problems, or help clarify how a specific solutions works. Even if you don't have anything specific you want to work on, join us just to talk about your environments and challenges.

