MultiValue Tech Tip!

Sometimes there is a need to rpovide a progress bar while processing information.  Here is a simple utility posted on comp.database.pick to do just that.

001 SUBROUTINE GRAPH(percent,caption)
002 *
003 * Displays % completion of a task
004 *
005      CRT @(19,11):' |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| ':@(-4)
006      CRT @(19,12):' 0 20 40 60 80 100':@(-4)
007      CRT @(19,13):' ':caption:@(-4)
008      bar.length = INT(percent*40/100)
009      bar = STR(' ',bar.length)
010      CRT @(20,10):@(-13):bar:@(-14):percent:' %':@(-4)
010      RETURN
