IBM Data Server Provider for .NET and IBM Database Add-ins for Visual Studio for UniVerse and UniData

The IBM Data Server Provider for .NET and the IBM Database Add-Ins for Visual Studio 2005 have been released. These tools, which support IBM UniData and UniVerse (U2) as well as DB2 and Informix Dynamic Server (IDS), can be obtained at no cost from IBM Web site titled "IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC, CLI and .NET".

The IBM Data Server Provider for .NET is a high performance, managed ADO.NET data provider. Applications can use ADO.NET Provider to connect to UniVerse and UniData , and can retrieve, manipulate, and update the data. ADO.NET supports both connected and disconnected access. For improved scalability, data processing applications running in a multi-tier environment employ disconnected access.

Please note that the ODBC and CLI drivers do not support U2.
