From The Inside November/December 2011
Happy Holidays to all!
It's the end of the year — time to relax, family enjoyment, gift giving, and time to start planning for the year 2012.
Now that 2012 is just around the corner, it's time for me to start talking about what is coming. The International Spectrum Conference and Exhibition 2012 is in Florida on April 2nd-5th. That is less than four months away.
Have you taken a look at the conference details yet? If not, please do ( You'll find many informative sessions that you won't want to miss. You will also find on the conference web site some documents and materials to help you justify attending the 2012 conference to your management. Look through the materials in the "Why Attend?" section to see sample Trip reports, Letter to the Manager, and other information to help out.
There will be a webinar on January 19th that will talk about what is going on at the conference this year. It will also provide you information to help you justify coming to the conference.
We will be providing the "Group Pass" again this year. The "Group Pass" allows up to five people from the same organization to attend the conference for an average of $400 a person. Since the "Group Pass" gives you access to the full week, you can have company employees attend a few days, and then send another group of people for another few days. This way you don't have your whole IT department gone at the same time, and you still get the advantage of educating as many of your staff as you can.
To find out more on the 2012 Conference, go to the following web site:
Watch for the Conference Brochure, which should be landing on your desk soon. There will be more helpful information provided in it as well.