Roll Your Own (Highly Experimental) MultiValue Database Part 1
The Vendors' Lot in Life
In this series of articles, we are going to build a brand new flavor of MultiValue database. A brand new storage/retrieval engine which understands MultiValue. To be clear: It is not our intention to create a full-featured product . This is just to give you a feel for the basic functions that our vendors make work — across multiple hardware platforms and operating systems — despite constant changes in technology. Because they do their jobs well, it can be easy to forget how much effort goes into creating and maintaining a product of this complexity.
I've nicknamed this new engine 'Lumpy' because the data isn't flat. Lumpy will be a viable database for learning the core concepts of MultiValue. It could be useful in the classroom. You will have the source code; you can share it and extend it. However, I wouldn't run my business on it. Not even a lemonade stand.
Some of the things it won't be:
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