Revelation: Building A Mobile Application With O4W Part 1


In the past (see specifically Spectrum Magazine issues July/August 2010 and September/October 2010), I discussed Revelation Software's O4W web development toolkit. For those of you who've forgotten, O4W provides both a "wizard" interface for generating reports, forms, menus, and graphical dashboards, and a full basic+ API to build custom routines. It's designed to make Web 2.0 development easy for MultiValue programmers, without requiring developers to learn all the ins and outs of HTML, JavaScript, and AJAX.

O4W uses an open-source library called jQuery as its underlying scaffolding. jQuery provides a platform independent way to create rich web user interfaces, and has been adopted by over 50% of the world's top 10,000 web sites, with a vibrant and large community of users and developers. It's been incorporated into Microsoft development environments, and is even used by Wikipedia (source: Wikipedia — so it must be true!)

Over the past year or two, the jQuery developers have released a comparable library for mobile device development, called jQuery Mobile. O4W has been extended to allow you to develop mobile applications using jQuery Mobile behind the scenes. Over the next two issues, we'll explore how you can make a mobile web app with O4W.

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Mar/Apr 2013
