Rocket Software releases UniData 7.3.7

UniData 7.3.7 includes several fixes including updates to OpenSSL 1.0.1h libraries. This version of UniData has also been verified to work on Windows 2012 and Windows 8.1.

A few other key fixes included are:

An enhancement has been made to EDA that allows users to alter or change existing schemas without having to reload the existing tables. There is a new ECL command, ALTER.EDAMAP, that allows users to add an attribute, such as a column, to the EDA Schema that will append the new attribute to the table without the table having to reload.

At this release, UniData allows the use of SHA-2 signed certificates in its SSL support. This enhancement was a result of dropping SHA-1 support beginning in 2014 by an increasing number of Certificate Authorities including Microsoft.

A problem was found where in a situation where U2 Replication is configured with a single FILE level replication group containing ONE replicated file, all files on the subscriber system are considered as nonwritable subscribing files. At this release, a new FILE level replication group has been added in order to resolve this issue.

Prior to this release, if a RESIZE CONCURRENT command was issued against a recoverable file with the RFS active, the space held by the original file was not released back to the operating system until UniData was completely stopped. This occurred even though the RESIZE completed successfully under certain conditions. This change is in addition to the previous changes detailed in UDT-8887 in version 7.3.3 and has been fixed.

Rocket Software

Located in Waltham MA.

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